Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies
The genesis of our company is simple. We saw potential. We had ambition and we solved the problem.
The problem
Dating back to the early 1990’s, academic research had demonstrated the potential benefits of combining additive techniques with milling. However, despite the universally acknowledged potential, and a few niche successes, there were still no commercial solutions for enabling mainstream CNC machines to add metal. This is where we come in.
The Solution
In 2007, active use of a high-speed milling machine was initiated at De Montfort University’s Additive Manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing research laboratory. The cross-pollination of additive and subtractive technologies led to a 4-year UK-based research project named RECLAIM.
The key objectives were to provide a practical means for hybrid manufacturing. In order to achieve this, we designed and developed a set of compact directed energy deposition heads. What made them unique was the integration method. For the first time ever, a solution was created that did not require modification of the structural parts of the CNC machine. This research endeavor has matured into the AMBIT™ tool-changeable deposition system. By 2013 Dr. Jason Jones and Peter Coates founded what is now Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies.
Our History
Founded by Dr. Jason Jones and Peter Coates: Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies was founded in 2012 (UK) and 2013 (USA).

• World’s first commercial mainstream hybrid CNC, the Hybrid HSTM1000 was completed by HMT in collaboration with Hamuel Reichenbacher and debuted at the EMO exhibition – the world’s largest machine tool show.

• HMT in collaboration with Mazak releases updated INTEGREX i-400AM.
• Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies inaugural winner of the 2015 International Additive Manufacturing Award, the largest award in 3D printing history.

• HMT unveils AMBIT™ EDDY for automated non-destructive eddy current testing
• HMT in collaboration with Tongtai launches the AMH-630 hybrid machine –

• HMT releases advanced integration for AMBIT™ EDDY for production applications and industry 4.0.
• Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies’ rebrands company.

• Dr. Jason B. Jones publishes the outcome of the RECLAIM project at the Solid Freeform Fabrication Conference in Austin, TX.
• Hybrid Manufacturing Technologies Ltd founded in UK.

• HMT launched the world’s first hybrid CNC using multiple deposition heads the INTEGREX i-400AM in collaboration with Mazak at JIMTOF (Japan’s largest machine tool show).

• HMT in collaboration with Mitsui Seiki launches the Vertex 55X-H, inaugurating a new level of high-precision 5-axis hybrid DED + milling.
• HMT in collaboration with Hamuel launches the Hybrid HSTM 150 HD, the first machine worldwide to combine part flow (automated palletized work piece changeover) with automatically interchangeable heads (for optimized deposition characteristics and in situ inspection).

• HMT in collaboration with Mazak launches the INTEGREX i400S AM with AMBIT™ MULTI interchangeable head system.
• AMBIT™ XTRUDE launched- first deposition head for polymer extrusion for CNCs.